Order the Deviant X Transgression

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DXT coverThe location of Zhafar as well as Zhafarian advancement is supposed to be top secret. But with the much needed financial intake from its selective and unusual anatomical and corrective surgeries, secrecy is easier said than done. The Christians consider the Zhafarians abominations in the sight of God, and the Atheist Scientists are unforgiving of Sangha’s unethical and unacceptable scientific methods and adaptations. The first declaration of the newly formed coalition between QueXtgen and Christianity’s Solomon Seekers against Zhafarian advancement is that Zhafarians as well as Zhafarian surgical subjects are to be sub-classified humans Deviant X. This leads to blatant discrimination against Zhafarian subjects and soon an openly declared war against Zhafarians.

Roma and Retina seeks to find out how QueXtgen committed the perfect murder of Roma’s wife at the dawn of the unexpected war. But as they wager trading War Intels with Bhadu Sangha in exchange for all he knows about Mara’s murder, they find themselves at odds with all sides. There they find the unusual ally in Dr Zensmith and Dr. Shin who in trying to protect their own much needed interests, must protect Roma and Retina at all cost.Buy Now Button with Credit Cards